torstai 27. helmikuuta 2020

Pikablogi: Sitaatteja, osa II

Eilen väsytti.

Blogipostausputki katkesi eilen hetkellisesti, sillä kirjoittaja nukahti yöunille jo alkuillasta.

Petin Internetin luottamuksen eilen ja simahdin yöunille jo kahdeksan maissa. Täten uutta blogipostausta ei syntynyt. Olen pahoillani.

Olen ollut tänään melko kiireinen muiden kirjoitusjuttujen kanssa, joten saatte taas lukea hyviä sitaatteja.

“Nothing becomes funny by being labelled so.”
 William Strunk Jr., professori, kirjailija

”Politics is just show business for ugly people.”
 Jay Leno, koomikko

"There are things that people have glorified, that living the life of courage is about being fucked up."
Mariel Hemingway, näyttelijä

”If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out.”
 Kurt Vonnegut, kirjailija

”You should work your entire life to explain your own responses to things  in life and in art  to yourself. It's amazing how little people sometimes examine their responses to things. I'm fortunate that as a critic I am paid to do that and I am always learning interesting things about myself.”
 David Edelstein, elokuvakriitikko, New York Magazine

”It seems like ever since the first X-Men film came out in 2000, filmmakers have gotten gun-shy when it comes to dressing superheroes in their native garb. In that film, Wolverine blanches when he’s forced to put on the black leather costumes that the rest of his X-friends have donned (and that many future screen superheroes would wear, too). “What would you prefer, yellow spandex?” snarks Cyclops. Since Wolverine actually does wear yellow spandex in the comic books, the comment was both an in-joke that only superhero fans would understand and a repudiation of the colorful aesthetic they’d grown up loving. In a movie where one of the bad guys attacks the heroes with his elongated frog tongue, the notion that a man might wear an outfit with a color in it was deemed a bridge too far.”
 Kyle Buchanan, popkulttuurikriitikko, The New York Times

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